Rank and Name, Machinist’s Mate Second Class Arthur Daniel Jackson.
Unit/Placed in, USS Meredith (DD-434) Destroyer, United States Navy.
Arthur is born approx. on 1915 in Greenville, Mississippi .
Father, Arthur E. Jackson.
Mother, Corinne (Mathis) Jackson.
Brother(s), Hugh M. Jackson.
Arthur enlisted the service in Mississippi with service number # 2743826.
Arthur was KIA when the USS Meredith was sighted by the air group from the Japanese Carrier Zuikaku, she was attacked by 35 planes and sunk the on Oct. 15, 1942, he is honored with a Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, Expeditionary Medal, American Campaign Medal, Distinguished Unit Citation, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.
Arthur is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Manila, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.
Walls of the missing.
Thanks to, http://destroyerhistory.org/benson-gleavesclass/ussmeredith/
Jean Louis Vijgen, WW2-Pacific Website.
Air Force Info, Rolland Swank.
ABMC Website, https://abmc.gov
Navy Info, http://navylog.navymemorial.org
POW Info, http://www.mansell.com Dwight Rider and Wes injerd.
Family Info, https://www.familysearch.org
Marines Info, https://missingmarines.com/ Geoffrey Roecker
Medals Info, https://www.honorstates.org
Website, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/
Philppine Info, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/
Find a Grave, https://www.findagrave.com