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Baber, James W.

Rank and Name, Private First Class James W. Baber.

Unit/Placed in, 60th Coast Artillery Regiment.

He went to the POW Camp in Japan with the Hellship “Tottori Maru” from Manila

Camp Osaka POW Camp #1

aka Honjo/Hoincho/Chikko

They finished the camp 21 Sep 1942 in use: Osaka Camp #1 was originally established and designated as Osaka Main Camp when 150 men arrived here from the Zentsuji POW Camp.

19 Oct 1942: (Stadium POW Camp later converted to the Ichioka Hospital).

The Tottori Maru left Manila on Oct. 8, 1942 for Takao/ Pusan/ Moji/ Osaka and arrived on 11 Oct 1942 with approximate 230 more Americans.

Destroyed in B-29 raid on June 1, 1945, in Sep 1945 the Camp was terminated and they moved temporarily to other Camp.


James is born approx. on 26 Dec 1917 in Lubbock, Texas.

Grandfather, Emory Butler.

Grandmother, Annie L. Butler.

Sister(s), Louise J. Baber.


James enlisted the service in Texas with service number # 6268794.


James died as a POW in Camp Osaka on 27 Oct. 1943, he is honored with a POW Medal, Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, Army Presidential Unit Citation, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.


James is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Manila, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.


Thanks to,

Jean Louis Vijgen, WW2-Pacific Website.

Air Force Info, Rolland Swank.

ABMC Website, https://abmc.gov

Marines Info, https://missingmarines.com/    Geoffrey Roecker

Seabees History Bob Smith  https://seabeehf.org/

Navy Info, http://navylog.navymemorial.org

POW Info, http://www.mansell.com    Dwight Rider and Wes injerd.

Philippine Info, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/ Robert Capistrano

National Historian

Navy Seal Memorial,  http://www.navysealmemorials.com

Family Info, https://www.familysearch.org

Info, https://www.pacificwrecks.com/

Medals Info, https://www.honorstates.org

Website, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

Find a Grave, https://www.findagrave.com

POW Camp Osaka
Location Camp Osaka
Christmas in Camp Osaka
Escape Hatch
P.O.W. Medal
Totori Maru left Manila on Oct. 8, 1942 for Japan, Tottori was torpedoed by USS Hammerhead on May 15 1945
His rank Private first Class
His unit 60th Coast Artillery Regiment