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Allen, Johnson Butler

Rank and Name, Captain Johnson Butler Allen.

Unit/Placed in, 21st Reconnaissance Troop, 21st Infantry Division.


Johnson Butler Allen was on a Transport Plane from Bougainville to Guadacanal with Several others, but the pane never arrived there.


Johnson is born 1913 in Bexar, Texas.


Parents and Siblings, No Record Available.


Johnson enlisted the service in Texas with service number # 0-3880580.


Johnson’s Transport Mate’s on-board the plane a C-46 were,


1st Lt.           Richard O. Haralson          Pilot

1st Lt.           Jack W. Glover                  Co Pilot

S/Sgt.           Norman L. Myers              Navigator/Engineer

Sgt.              Daniel Bate Jr.                  Radio Operator/Engineer

Mr. Tec. Sgt.  William E. Lane                 Loadmaster

Pvt.              Charles H. Bakewell           Loadmaster

Fl. Nurse       Eloise M. Richardson          Nurse





Lt. Col.          Everett B. Mersereau         Infantry       

Capt.            Johnson B. Allen               Infantry

1st Lt.           George S. Gerst                 Combat Engineer

1st Lt.           Wayburn W. Schossow        Signal Company

2nd Lt.          Richard A. Butler              Signal Company

2nd Lt.          Eloise M. Richardson          Medical Squadron

2nd Lt.          Carol J. Kowalski               Postal Unit

2nd Lt.          Harold R. Galbraiht           Administration Corps

S/Sgt.           Robert E. Quinn                Band Member

Sgt.              Wilbert E. Sann                 Photo Squadron



Phm3c         William D. Hay                 Pharmasist

Stm3c          Alex M. Kondrick               Steward




Pfc.              Frederick A. Westenfolder   Private First Class



Johnson died when the Plane not arrived at Guadalcanal, and the search party no delivered on May 19, 1945, he is honored with a Silver Star Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.


Johnson is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Manila, metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.

Walls of the missing.


Thanks to Jean Louis Vijgen, ABMC,  https://abmc.gov Info P.O.W.

Wes Injerd, Dwight Rider: http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html

NavyLog, http://navylog.navymemorial.org Philippine Scouts Heritage Society, Sean Conjenos, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Familysearch.com, https://www.familysearch.org Navy Marines Info Geoffrey Roecker, https://missingmarines.com/ Medals Info, http://www.honorstates.org Website, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

21st Reconnaissance Troop
Douglas C-47
Cape Torkina Airfield, Bougainville
His rank Captain